Friday, October 29, 2004

Reason #658,394 why I haven't been to church in 4 years

I can't believe that I didn't hear about this until I saw it on "The week in God" on the Daily Show:

Utterly ridiculous. Why does the Church care about this, or more importantly, to this magnitude? Hey, atleast they didn't molest her.

It's times like this that I understand why The Da Vinci Code and A&D are two of my all-time favorite books.

Thursday, October 28, 2004


During lunch, Bob, our division's electrician, asked me to figure out why he couldn't successfully send an email to his wife, Sheila, who also works at Nypro. After a few tries of typing her name with different cases and orientations, I realized that the name itself was incorrect.

Tim: Um, Bob, I think that you're spelling her name wrong.
Bob: Really? How is it supposed to be spelled?
T: S-h-e-i-l-a
B: How am I spelling it?
T: S-h-i-e-l-a
B: Oh, hmm
T: How long you two been married?
B: (dialing phone) Honey, you spell your name "ei", right?

As I'm typing this, he comes into my office laughing and saying that she just called him back to accuse him of not knowing how to spell her name. We're sticking to the story that Earthlink sucks and messed things up.

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Nypro - World Wide Employer of Tim Baird

I'm walking back to my office today and I bump into one of the suits that I've known since my youngin days on Gael Force (nypro/clinton high's FIRST team). He's asking me how my job has been so far and how happy he is that I ended up back at the company.

Then he goes into how I'm getting a good experience here for engineering, but that I'd be perfect for working abroad and learning how they do things overseas (he knows that I worked for Gillette for 2 months in London with The Detonator). He says that I should go work somewhere else for a year, just to see how I like it, and that I'd be perfect for Nypro Hong Kong. He says that he'll keep a look out for jobs for me.

Weird. I don't know if I'd want to work overseas, especially where english is lacking (not that it was always easy talking to engineers in London, either).

Do you know where the future of Tim Baird resides? I don't....


So last night I had trouble sleeping. Started to just drift off at about 12:45am when I heard thump thump bom bom thump bum thump bang and all sorts of crap like that. Then I realized that they guy who lives in the room above me has bongos. God damn bongos.

Honestly, why would you play your bongos at almost 1am on a work night? Does this man have no consideration or common sense? And the worst part is, I was going to go complain, but I was so physically tired that I didn't want to get up out of bed. So, I turned my air filter on high to drown it out and went to bed realitively soon, all while breathing rediculously clean air.

I guess there's a silver lining to everything....

Sunday, October 24, 2004

Friday night's pictures

The latest and greatest pics of The Cadence and The Front Runner are up in the photography section. I could give you links to the pages, but, I'm sick of spoon feeding you kids. Go, look around my site. Investigate. It's fun. Here's a hint, the pages are dated.

I'm too tired and not in the greatest mood, so, I'll go to sleep soon and write more for you later tomorrow while on Nypro's dollar.


Saturday, October 23, 2004

Pyschic Directions at Last Night's Show

Last night at the show in Taunton I got sort of lost. Mapquest told me to take a turn that I shouldn't have, so, I was wondering around downtown Taunton about 200 feet away from where I should have been. While walking along, I heard this voice call to me that said "Please, say something. Are you cold?" I looked up and saw this older lady (who oddly looked just like my land lady) sweeping the front step of her shop.

She was a pyschic/palm-reader and was trying to get me to come out of the cold and shell out $10 to her. This was because I was walking around in a t-shirt and she had no customers. I told her that I wasn't interested in her services, but could she help me with my directions. She had absolutely no clue what All About Records was, nor where it was (it ended up being 1 street over from her).

How could she predict my future and read my palm, but not know where I was going and it's location. She was apparently a bona fide bullshit artist.

In other news, the pictures from last night will be up later on tonight. So, keep your pants on.

Friday, October 22, 2004

Soooo very boring

Know what I've done for excitement today? Ate an extremely large leftover container full of Mac & Cheese that I made last night at midnight. Yeah, that's it. Work has gone by fast though, plus, I'm leaving for the show at 3, so, I only have 2 more hours of work. And I'm pretty busy, so, it'll be over before I know it.

Yeah, that's about it. Check the site extremely late tonight or tomorrow for the pictures that will be taken in about 5+ hours. They should be good*.

later peeps,

*Said "pictures" have not be taken yet, so, this guarantee is pretty much BS

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

New JEW Review

I bought the new (and long awaited) Jimmy Eat World cd at Best Buy today after work. I was going to get it yesterday when it first came out, but, I had just bought the newest HRC cd, so, I figured that I would finish that first. Yeah, that's a dumb excuse. To make up for it, I bought the deluxe edition with the bonus demo recording cd.

I'm most of the way through the cd so far so, I figured that I would start writing. It's pretty sweet. It's not grabbing me as quickly as Bleed American did just 3 years ago, but, it's gaining my respect. It's kind of like Deniro's description of cats/dogs in "meet the parents". BA was a dog; happy, likeable, poppy and fun. Everybody liked it. Even people who didn't listen to them claimed to atleast like one of the albums's songs. This cd is more like a cat. It's a little held back and makes you work a little harder. But, the more I listen, the more I realize why I like it. It's like a edgier Clarity. Their hearts are still on their sleeves, but the chords are flowing out of the axes a little faster and harder. It's almost like you put Clarity and Static in a blender, this is what you would get.

If you've been considering going to purchase this, I suggest it. It's good stuff.

Friday's Show

Check out these bands this friday (Oct. 22) at All About Records:

The Northwood, The Front Runner, The Cadence, Faraway, and A Loss For Words.

The show is at 31 Main Street, Taunton, MA. Starts at 5, $6 at the door

I'll be taking pics of the shindig. Feel free to say "hi".

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Who did I piss off?

The other day I was in a 4 hour meeting (that's right, 4 hours) for mold designs. I don't design or work with the molds, but, I'm designing/building the end-of-arm-tools that go with the robotics to remove the parts from the molds, and I have to sit there to acquire about 20 minutes worth of info.

They all ask why I'm sitting there just listening and I inform them that I'm making the 12 EOAT's for the project. One of the guys looks at me and says "Man, who did you piss off to get that?". This is kinda wierd, because I don't view this as that hard, so, do I have some unforseen suprises lurking around the corner for me?

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Worst Salesman ... dog

Now, don't ask me why, but I thought of this the other day when I saw a Bush Bean's commercial.
In each commercial, we see our buddy Jay Bush telling you about beans, but don't you dare ask for the recipe, because he's telling nobody except his dog Duke. Then, to our humorous suprise, Duke starts talking about selling out in some manner behind Jay's back.

However, since 1994 Duke has been trying to sell out on the family recipe, yet, has he? Every commercial he has some scheme to pawn it off to some other company, yet, he never succeeds. Why can't he pull off this seemingly easy task. Every night Pinky & the Brain almost take over the world, and they only fail because of some minor insignificant detail. Plus they're mice. He's a TALKING DOG. How hard can it be for a talking dog to sell a famous bean recipe? Honestly, these beans sell themselves.

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Fuel Effeciency Update

It has been one week since I've installed my new intake. I typically use about 10-11 gallons of gas per week with my commuting and random car trips. However, after one week of normal driving, I haven only use 1/2 my tank, or, 6 gallons.

For you non-math majors out there, that's a savings of 4-5 gallons per week, which is about $8. I will completely make back my money in 5 months and have the fun of additional hp.

That's all for now.
Tim out.

Sunday, October 10, 2004

The Condiment Motherlode

If you know me well, which you probably do if you're reading this, you know that there are two condiments/toppings that I hold dear the most. These are hummus and feta cheese. I practically lived off of hummus for two months while in London because I was being extremely frugal and eating hummus & baguettes. If you doubt this in any way, ask Sarah or MikeD.

Anyways, Sarah and I went to Sam's Club today for some larger-than-life viddles, and these were the prize of the hunt.

Xtreme unicylcing

Watch this if you haven't already seen it via MikeD or Jon Abad:

It's pretty intense. It's almost as good as Paul's Pipedream video of the guys doing urban acrobatics off of roof tops and stuff.

Fuel Efficiency

So I talked about how the new intake was supposed to increase fuel efficiency as well as give me a small boost in HP (No you nerd, not Hit Points, Horsepower). I was skeptical, as well as others who have seen "the tornado" on late night infomercials.

But, truth be told, I've saved a few gallons since the installation. I typically use 1/8 of my tank per day with commuting and socializing (approx. 1.5 gal.), but I've only used 1/4 of a tank since tuesday night. I filled up in Clinton immediately after the installation on a practically empty tank, so, it is easy to see the savings. Even if you discount the drive back that night, and just count Wed-Sunday, that's 5 days X 1/8 = 5/8. Sounds like the ole intake has saved this boy 3/8 so far, which is about $8. A little more of this stuff and I could easily make back the money spent on the kit.

Saturday, October 09, 2004


The other day I was thinking about what can I get to play until Nov. 9 when the craziness starts up again. I remembered that back in the day, prior to the release of Warcraft III, I used to spend a good deal in the world of Diablo II. So, I went and bought the Diablo Battle Chest at Best Buy, thus giving me Diablo I which I've never played, and legal versions of Diablo II and the expansion set.

However, when I went to buy it, I got carded. Aparently you have to be 18 to buy it due to its awesome display of all things satanic. Has this ever happened to anyone else? What other games are deemed that bad that they card kids trying to buy them?

Friday, October 08, 2004

I'm looking for Kyle

We're out at the loading dock putting some crates into the back of a truck when a delivery man comes up to us and says, "Um, I'm looking for Kyle". We just kinda looked at him funny because he didn't know a last name, and there are about 1,000 people working at the Nypro Clinton facility. There are also about 20 separate divisions within Nypro Clinton, so, if he atleast knew a division name, we could have pointed him in the semi-correct direction. It's also funny because Nypro has a huge & hard-to-miss shipping/receiving area, that of which, we are not. So, why he was trying to bring it to us in the first place alludes me.

Thursday, October 07, 2004

Intake Picture

Here's my new intake in all of it's shiny glory. Too tired to really post anything else. Perhaps tomorrow will be a more eventfull day.

Short Ram Intake

I just went out to my car at the end of lunch and took some pictures of my under-the-hood region. These pictures, for your viewing pleasure, include my new intake. It excites me. It's the first modification that I've made to my straight-from-the-factory car, and basically, the first real thing that I've done to a car beyond changing oil and rotating tires. Plus, the ME in me has wanted to take something apart in my car and try to put it back together again, so, this satisfied my craving.
I'll throw the picture up later tonight when I get home and actually have a card reader.

keep it sleazy,

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Back in Blog

So I haven't blogged in over 2 years. I figured I might as well get back on the horse now that I barely see my friends from college (probably YOU!).

I'll be posting here frequently, most likely slow in the beginning, but eventually picking up to an everyday sorta thing.
