Saturday, October 23, 2004

Pyschic Directions at Last Night's Show

Last night at the show in Taunton I got sort of lost. Mapquest told me to take a turn that I shouldn't have, so, I was wondering around downtown Taunton about 200 feet away from where I should have been. While walking along, I heard this voice call to me that said "Please, say something. Are you cold?" I looked up and saw this older lady (who oddly looked just like my land lady) sweeping the front step of her shop.

She was a pyschic/palm-reader and was trying to get me to come out of the cold and shell out $10 to her. This was because I was walking around in a t-shirt and she had no customers. I told her that I wasn't interested in her services, but could she help me with my directions. She had absolutely no clue what All About Records was, nor where it was (it ended up being 1 street over from her).

How could she predict my future and read my palm, but not know where I was going and it's location. She was apparently a bona fide bullshit artist.

In other news, the pictures from last night will be up later on tonight. So, keep your pants on.


Blogger jpabad said...

You are certainly not the boss of me!

I shall do what I with with my pants!

(Make sure to put a link here in ye olde blog so i rememeber to go check them :) thanks pal!)

October 23, 2004 at 12:59 PM  
Blogger Tim Baird said...

So first I can't be the boss of you nor your pants, but then you demand placement of a link? That's a pretty big demand, there, buddy. Then again, everything's bigger in Texas.

October 23, 2004 at 8:44 PM  

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