Thursday, October 28, 2004


During lunch, Bob, our division's electrician, asked me to figure out why he couldn't successfully send an email to his wife, Sheila, who also works at Nypro. After a few tries of typing her name with different cases and orientations, I realized that the name itself was incorrect.

Tim: Um, Bob, I think that you're spelling her name wrong.
Bob: Really? How is it supposed to be spelled?
T: S-h-e-i-l-a
B: How am I spelling it?
T: S-h-i-e-l-a
B: Oh, hmm
T: How long you two been married?
B: (dialing phone) Honey, you spell your name "ei", right?

As I'm typing this, he comes into my office laughing and saying that she just called him back to accuse him of not knowing how to spell her name. We're sticking to the story that Earthlink sucks and messed things up.


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