Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Nypro - World Wide Employer of Tim Baird

I'm walking back to my office today and I bump into one of the suits that I've known since my youngin days on Gael Force (nypro/clinton high's FIRST team). He's asking me how my job has been so far and how happy he is that I ended up back at the company.

Then he goes into how I'm getting a good experience here for engineering, but that I'd be perfect for working abroad and learning how they do things overseas (he knows that I worked for Gillette for 2 months in London with The Detonator). He says that I should go work somewhere else for a year, just to see how I like it, and that I'd be perfect for Nypro Hong Kong. He says that he'll keep a look out for jobs for me.

Weird. I don't know if I'd want to work overseas, especially where english is lacking (not that it was always easy talking to engineers in London, either).

Do you know where the future of Tim Baird resides? I don't....


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