Thursday, April 28, 2005

I suck at posting, seriously

So, yeah, it's been like a week and a half since I posted. Whoops. I've been extremely busy between work, wrapping up this hellish semester of grad work, trying to catch some of the quadfest stuff, and going to Atlanta for 6 days for the FIRST nationals.

I'm done with spring semester as of 7ish tonight, so, I'll have plenty of time to give a nice post or two afterwards.


Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Card this!

My friend Danielle and I went to see 'Sin City' on friday night at Solomon. As we're getting tickets, I say "I guarantee you that I get carded tonight because I shaved". When I shave, I appear to drop about 5 years, or so I've been told. Well, I buy the tickets, no problem, and think that I'm in the clear.

We walk up to the hall way where all the theaters link off of, and this younger guy, probably 18, is ripping tickets and CARDS ME. I laugh and say "haha, you're off by 6 years, buddy" to myself. Sure enough, the guy reads the ID and chuckles, hands it back, and cries himself into a corner in shame. Well, maybe not the crying part, but the shame was probably there. Sucker.

Friday, April 15, 2005

Ow! You're a pansy

So I'm looking at the Magnum Research page researching my toy for next summer (that's right, there's a good chance that I might buy a Desert Eagle 50 cal next year) when I come upon the FAQ's section.

Some guy asked this question, and following is their answer:

The spent case hits me in the forehead, why?
Your shooting (grip) technique is allowing the pistol to move back and torque to the left causing ejected brass to come back at you. Use a firm grip and do not allow the pistol to torque (turn) left under recoil.

What better way for a gun company to remind you that you're a pansy and can't hold the recoil of a gun than to hit you in the forehead each time with a burning brass shell. That's awesome.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

The new pistol

So after owning the bad-larry for 3 weeks, I finally got to go shoot my new Beretta 92 FS Vertec on sunday afternoon with my dad and cousin meredith. I had wanted to go previously, but wasn't a full member of the club yet, so, I couldn't go up on my own, and everytime I wanted to go, my dad was busy with his lady-friend, so, I was stuck.

It performed beautifully. It's a 9mm, so, it's big enough to give you a good feel while firing and enough of a kick to let you know that it has some power to it, yet small enough of a bore size to not make your hand tired after 50 rounds. I also found the gun to be very repeatable right from the start while I was shooting. I'm typically pretty acurate, but was happy to see good shot placement, even with the fixed sights. My dad even approved of my firearm selection, which was a nice bonus.

Sunday, April 10, 2005

The Good Life

When I look in the mirror
I can't believe what I see
Tell me, who's that funky dude
Staring back at me
Broken, beaten down
Can't even get around
Without an old-man cane
I fall and hit the ground
Shivering in the cold
I'm bitter and alone

Excuse the bitching
I shouldn't complain
I should have no feeling
Cos feeling is pain
As everything I need
Is denied me
And everything I want
Is taken away from me
But who do I got to blame?
Nobody but me

And I don't wanna be an old man anymore
It's been a year or two since I was out on the floor
Shaking booty, making sweet love all the night
It's time I got back to the good life
It's time I got back, it's time I got back
And I don't even know how I got off the track
I wanna go back, yeah!

Screw this crap, I've had it!
I ain't no Mr. Cool
I'm a pig, I'm a dog
So excuse me if I drool
I ain't gonna hurt nobody
Ain't gonna cause a scene
Just need to admit
That I want sugar in my tea
Hear me (hear me) I want sugar in my tea!

Friday, April 08, 2005

Boondock Saints

Troy Duffy (writer/producer), Norman Reedus (Murphy) and David Della Rocco came to WPI last night and talked about the movie and the upcoming sequel. It was awesome. I didn't see much of Troy/Norman, but I hung out with Rocco (my favorite character from the story, conveniently) before, during, and after the show down at Irish Times. It was pretty sweet overall. Check out the main page of the site for a pic of the 4 of us.

Monday, April 04, 2005

Bad-Movie Dating Theorem

So, in a series of emails today with some of my cousins and friends, the movie "Forces of Nature" with Sandra Bullock and Ben Affleck came up, and it got me thinking: That was the first movie that Brittany and I had watched together while dating. After that, I realized that the first movie that Sarah and I had watched when dating was "Resident Evil".

Thus, the 'Tim Baird Bad-Movie Dating Theorem' was created:

Boy + Girl + First Date + Crappy Movie = Failed Relationship

Has anybody else encountered this problem? Please leave your comments on this matter. MikeD has a similar theory regarding Olives. Ask him about it sometime.