Currently listening to: Comedy Central Presents - Ted Alexandro
I made a big change in my life. So big, that I put it in caps-lock in the subject line. HUGE.
When my father first sat me down as a kid and said something like "Tim, my son, you stink. It's time to start using deodorant", I began using Speed Stick, the Original scent formula that makes you smell like a pine forest. I've been using this same stuff since like 6th grade simply because that's what he used, and I've grown to love it. I get to walk out into the world each day smelling like a Christmas Tree knowing that the ladies will be impressed. Well, atleast the rugged, logger-type girls.
Well, about a month ago I was at Sam's Club buying stuff and knew that I was down to my last stick and needed more. Alas, they had none. They no longer carried Speed Stick. I was faced with a dilemma: buy something else there for the cheap, bulk price or go somewhere else and pay full price for Speed Stick.
I think you know where the story turned at this point. I stared at the selection for a while and finally chose Old Spice High-Endurance, Pure Sport scent deodorant.
I've had it on for about 2 hours now, and I have to admit, I'm liking it. It smells great, feels pretty good under there, the container is larger than the Speed Stick ones so it'll last longer, and it was just as cheap. After 12 years of smelling like a tree, I've finally moved on.
Feel free to smell me next time you see me. I assure you that you'll be impressed.