Friday, February 25, 2005

I win!

So I've been getting 20oz cokes from the machine here at work for quite some time now, and every time I open my bottle to see if I've won a free coke, I've gotten diddley squat.

However, today was different. As I confidently walked the length of the floor to the breakroom to get the glorious liquid energy that my body demanded, I knew today was different. The air and atmosphere around me seemed different. Was it the smell of lubrication, grease, or pnuematic exhaust? or perhaps the smell of molten plastic. Regardless, it was memorable.

As I put my crisp $1 bill into the money slot on the machine and pressed my selection, I knew that fate picked me as the winner today. For, as the machine brought my coke to the opening (it's one of those cool ones with the conveyor belt-lift mechanism) and I grabbed it and began opening, my heart rejoiced. I won!

Not only did I win, but I won a free 1-liter coke. Granted, the 1-liter is half the man that the 2-liter is, but it's way cooler than the 20oz. The 20oz is cute and great for travel, but come on, sometimes you just need that full 1000 mL of caffeine coursing through your veins to keep you going.

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

New Mug

So a couple of weeks ago WPI Arts committee was kind enough again to have claytime come to the campus. This was good, because it had been a while since I've done anything claytime or painting related.

This is my newest creation:

I think that it speaks for itself. Enjoy.

The robot is done

As of yesterday, a little stress has been reduced from my system. Granted, there are 3 competitions coming up which will cause me to miss school and make stuff up, but, I will miss 7 days of work total, all paid by Nypro. So, that's not too bad overall.

The robot looks pretty sweet too. I'll put a pic up of the real one when I get one (I only have pics of Robot B, our practice bot, yes, we built two).

Saturday, February 12, 2005

I'll explain when I'm ready

I probably won't post for a couple days or so, I just need to sort some things out in my head.

Check back in a week or so.

Friday, February 11, 2005

The Onion never ceases to amaze me

This article has to be one of the most messed up that I've ever read on The Onion, yet hilarious at the same time:


*WARNING: Contains a plethora of Bad-ass language.

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

I nearly shed a tear

I found a link to this page:
off of the Onion while eating lunch.

I tried to imagine that if, when I was younger, my parents were interent capable, found this page, and implemented it in their video game purchasing for me, I would have been a sad boy.
I'm glad that I made it through my youth unscathed by video game censorship.

Things were much happier when kids killed stuff on the tv and not real life. Now we got the messed up ones that do it for real, blame video games, and make the rest of us look like shit.
Way to go, crackheads.

Friday, February 04, 2005

TV star

So Ken (team 190 leader) just emailed me and said that BAE wants to do a tv spot to promote the upcoming regional in march, and I'm going to be interviewed for some portion of it.

Not too shabby, it's only been a year since I was last on a tv show (Robot Rivals: season 2). I could get used to this yearly routine.

Hopefully though, this interview goes a little better than that last one I had with the Japanese film crew. Ugh, that was horrible...5 japanese cameramen/interviewers that couldn't speak a word of english and one translator that had no clue what was going on. And he lied to me, and never gave me a copy of the show that I was on. Bastard.


This day is taking forever to only be.....1/2 over? Holy crap, what a slow morning.
It's weird too, because I've been very busy, yet, the clocks just seem to move a little slower than normal.

Also, I can't wait for this weekend to come, yet, why? The weekend will consist of 'working' at my desk as I do for the first 5 days of the week, and then doing lots of homework at night because I have a huge Cam Design project due on tuesday that I've barely started.

However, I did have fun painting at ClayTime last night. I choose a mug (again, I know), gave it a nice bright white base coat, then painted the FIRST symbol on it and added text to say "FIRST owns me" on one side, and "but I own this mug" on the other. Kinda corny, but pretty cool looking, I think. Then I got about 45 min of quality halo time in with Mike before the night of homework began. Not too bad overall.

Thursday, February 03, 2005

Ego Bonanza

This Quality Assurance guy comes up today to ask me some questions about a fixture that I had built to work in one of the Lilly Inhaler machines.

From the get go, the man apologizes about 3 times for taking up my time. Then he stares at my diploma on the wall and says "oh, sorry, I was just admiring your degree there". Then, he asks me to use more laymen terms because he "only has a bio degree".

This dude is 50 years old and probably has about 30 years experience on top of my quickly approaching ONE (1) year. Yet somehow, I was 'the man' in the situation. I think he should give himself a little more credit...

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

long time

Sorry folks, I've been wicked busy with FIRST and posting is usually the last thing on my mind each day.

The robot is coming along pretty nicely, I guess. Of course, this is FIRST, so, just when you think something's going okay, chances are, you'll find something wrong. So, I'm being cautious and realistic. It's cool though, I like all the students on the team, they work hard and seem to really enjoy the program. You can't ask for much more beyond that, can you?

Well, besides winning. Like, winning nats. Like I almost did 5 years ago. Oh boy, the memories. I think that I'm eventually going to turn into one of those nuts that live in the past for that one moment. I'm going to be like Uncle Rico probably, and keep "livin in 2000". That was an awesome year....