Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Timmy B in the news again

If any of you get "MassBusiness", the bi-monthly magazine for the Associated Industries of Massachusetts (AIM), check out pages 10 and 11. I was recently interviewed and featured in an article about FIRST and my work with Nypro and the CHS robotics team.


Wednesday, October 24, 2007

No World For Tomorrow - Initial Thoughts

Currently listening to: Coheed & Cambria - The End Complete

So, as expected, my new Coheed cd came yesterday in the mail. This is the second part to the last cd, thus titled "Good Apollo, I'm burning Star IV, Volume 2: No World For Tomorrow".

Don't you just love Co&Ca cd names? Me too.

My initial impressions are good. It hasn't grabbed me yet as being as impressive and awesome as the previous albums, but I still like it. Then again, Co&Ca is often an acquired taste. It must be fully savored and explored before true feelings can be solidified. As I recall, I didn't really like the last album until after listening to it for almost 6 months. Seriously. So, perhaps I'll just have to let this grow on me.

However, it has struck me as funny that I feel like a huge scenester when trying to think of what my favorite track is so far. Typically, I like one of the odd-ball songs on the album (Everything Evil from SSTB, The Crowing from IKSSE:3, Fear Through the Eyes of Madness from Vol. 1) and very rarely jump right for the single. Yet, "The Running Free" is solid song and I really like it. It feels almost dirty to know that I'll be rocking out to the same song that some teeny-bopper will be listening to on MTV...


Tuesday, October 23, 2007

I love my love life

Currently listening to: Coheed & Cambria - Time Consumer

I perplex myself sometimes. Last night I went out to dinner with Amanda and her mother & grandmother. I had never met them until now and we had a charming little dinner at O'Connors.

So I'm meeting the family of a girl whom I'm not dating, while the girl I want to be going on dates with and meeting her family is 7000 miles away in South Africa for 2 months...


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Monday, October 22, 2007

New Coheed on Myspace!

Currently listening to: Coheed & Cambria - No World For Tomorrow

The new Co&Ca cd comes out tomorrow, but the band is awesome enough to put up the ENTIRE album on myspace today! Woohoo!

goodbye productivity for the rest of the day...


Monday, October 15, 2007

Why MikeD is awesome

Currently listening to: Jimmy Eat World - Table for Glasses

If you don't know him, MikeD, or the Detonator as he's been known in various parts of China and East Germany for reasons unknown, is the man.

Yesterday he took a bunch of us out to a cliff in central CT for some rock climbing. I had a blast as it was my first time climbing on actual rocks. I've done indoor wall climbing for the past few years, but for some reason have never made it outside.

So on one of my last attacks on the rock yesterday, I'm at the bottom gearing up and MikeD is getting ready to belay me. We're both talking to these two girls from Sikorsky who had just finished the run and I was getting advice. I'm about 25 feet up and I hear Mike talking it up with one of the ladies. 5 more feet up, I head the click of cell phones opening, and numbers start being read off. The dude was giving his number out WHILE BELAYING ME. As unsafe as they may be, how could I be mad? Seriously. I'm proud of the lad.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

How to impress Tim Baird

Currently listening to: Dropkick Murphys - The State of Massachusetts

Have you ever wondered what the hottest thing you could say is that would impress the crap out of me?

While driving around in my car with the music really low so we could talk easier, lean in close and say "Is that Coheed I hear?"

Yeah. Seriously. You'll make my day.

Monday, October 01, 2007


Currently watching: The Boondock Saints (still)

So, it's a really sad day when a judge has to choose between K-Fed and Britney Spears as responsible parents:

The judge must have felt like I did when trying to decide between Kerry and Bush. Seriously. Both options suck, but you have to choose. You pretty much take the lesser of two evils and hope for the best.

Extremely content with myself

Currently watching: The Boondock Saints

The past four days have been some of the best that I've had in a while. I'll break it down in case you care:

Friday - took my sister Stacy to Famous Dave's for her first time. It was fantastic as always.
Saturday - Hung out with all of my old SocComm friends and drank on the quad at wpi, in front of the cops, and it was perfectly fine. I then went to Nypro and accomplished a lot of difficult work on my little side project for FIRST (more to follow later)
Sunday - Hung out with Zach all day in Boston and then went to the Dropkick Murphys show at the Avalon. It was a terrific show, very high energy, and I witnessed my first live guitar smashing. I loved it all.
Monday - Got a lot done at work and then got a ton of homework done. As I type, I'm wrapping up one of the last problems due for thursday, I'm drinking a nice cool glass of Jameson's, watching The Boondock Saints, and I'm eating beef jerky. What could be better?

Seriously, if there's a favor or something that you've been wanting to ask of me but were afraid to, now's the time. After a good night's sleep in a few minutes, I'll be even better.