Monday, March 28, 2005

Long weekend

This weekend was great. I think it should from now on be a tradition of mine to do awesome things on Easter weekend (Last year a bunch of us in London went to Dublin for the 3-day weekend and it was freakin fantastic [well, minus the whole 'gettin robbed on the train in Wales thing']). Here's the breakdown of fun:

Went and helped with driver practice in the morning. The robot didn't break, always a bonus. And doing 3 tetras is looking like it will become our staple high-scoring move, which is pretty badass.
Then Gena and I went to the mall and ate an entire cow (exaggerated) at Chopsticks. It was the most amount of meat that I've eaten in a while, especially when you consider it was Good Friday. Atleast I'll have a full stomach while I'm burning in hell.
Then Stacy, her friend Kelly for FSC, and I went to the NFG/Reggie/Eisley show at the palladium. It was my first time seeing Eisley, and they sound awesome live. Reggie was incredible as ever (especially with Deewee's firetruck), but, I left after like 3 NFG songs because they're starting to piss me off.

Sat around and did homework during the morning (boring), but then later on went and had dinner with Jill and Kali and then saw Miss Congeniality 2 at Solomon. It was pretty funny.

Went and saw the families, had some good dinner, and saw a bunch of people that I haven't in a while. Then came back to the apartment to do homework, but instead, felt sick, so I went to bed at like 9pm and got nothing done. yah!

All in all, a good time. Thanks for everyone that shared it with me.

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Return to the Scene

So Stacy calls me up at lunch today and asks if I'll go to a show with her tomorrow night at the Getladium. Apparently, Reggie and NFG are playing together with Eisley. This is going to be one pretty sweet show.

The funny thing is, though, I haven't been to a concert where I actually paid for the show in about 3 years. Since then, I have worked at the palladium (worked the shows or went to shows for free when I wasn't working) and been doing photos for bands and never paid.

Also, I have a feeling I won't even touch the pit. I used to be right down in that shit partying around with everyone. Maybe I'm getting older, or maybe I just don't care about it anymore. Eh, who cares. It'll be a good show no matter what. Look for me if you're going to be there.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005


So I was just writing an email to someone (could have been you!) and I wrote the word "biotch", for, what I can only assume was the first time ever in my life.

MSword thought I meant 'biotech'. What's up with that, Bill Gates? Don't you know what the word Biotch means?!?!


Sunday, March 20, 2005

Jimmy Eat World - Praise Chorus

Are you going to live your life wondering,
Standing in the back, looking around?
Are you gonna waste your time thinking
How you've grown up
Or how you missed out?
Things are never going be the way you want
Where's it gonna get you acting serious?
Things are never gonna be quite what you want
Even at twenty-five you got to start sometime

I'm on my feet
I'm on the floor
I'm good to go
All i need is just to hear a song i know
I wanna always feel like part of this was mine
I wanna fall in love tonight

Are you gonna live your life, standing in the back looking around?
Are you going to waste your time?
Got to make a move or you'll miss out
Someone's gonna ask you what it's all about
Stick around nostalgia won't let you down
Someone's gonna ask you what it's all about
What are you going to have to say for yourself?

I'm on my feet
I'm on the floor
I'm good to go
All i need is just to hear a song I know
I wanna always feel like part of this was mIne
I wanna fall in love tonight

Crimson and clover
Over and over
Crimson and clover
Over and over
(Our house, in the middle of the street)
(Why did we ever meet,)
(Starring in my rock n roll fantasy)
Crimson and Clover
Over and Over
Crimson and Clover
Over and Over
(Don't don't don't let start)
(Why did we ever part,)
(Kickstart my rock n rollin heart)

I'm on my feet
I'm on the floor
I'm good to go
So come on Davey, sing me something that I know
I want to always feel like part of this was mine
I want to fall in love tonight
Here, tonight
I want to fall in love tonight
Here, tonight
I want to always feel like part of this was mine
I want to fall in love tonight
I want to fall in love tonight
I want to fall in love tonight
I want to fall in love tonight

Friday, March 18, 2005

These quizzes are sometimes right after all...

You scored as Logical/Mathematical. You like to work with numbers and ask questions. You learn best by classifying information, engaging in abstract thinking and looking for common basic principles. People like you include mathematicians, biologists, medical technicians, geologists, engineers, physicists, researchers and other scientists.















The Rogers Indicator of Multiple Intelligences
created with

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Sleep is for suckers

Holy Crap. So last night blew. I got home from work and went to the gym, then came back, cooked supper, ate, and laid down to watch an episode of "curb your enthusiasm".

Well, that was at about 9ish. I then proceeded to pass out from exhaustion from about 10-12:30. I woke up, looked at the clock, and realized the most horrible thing.....I didn't START my homework that was due tomorrow (well, later today, at that point). So it began, homework past midnight, when I had to be up at 6:30 to get into work barely on time. I stayed up till 4:30am working on my blasted hw, and still didn't finish it! I have to finish today at lunch time while I eat.

Anywho, the messed up part starts when I got to sleep. I have this dream that I'm back in London with MikeD. I think it's because I've hit the one year mark since I was there last, and I REALLY REALLY want to go back this summer for my vacation. I've already looked into plane tickets. So, MikeD and I are over in London, working for the train department (don't ask why, non of this makes any sense), and we're moving trains. MOVING TRAINS. By hand. We're pushing them and lifting them around. But they're not regular trains, they're only like 6 feet long, or we're giganitic. One or the other. But the strange part was that people from the House of Parliments were trying to stop us, and we had to keep fighting them so that we could keep working. WTF?

Holy crap, I need sleep. That was one of the most bizarre dreams that I've had in a while.

Sunday, March 13, 2005

Insane Week

So I got back from Hartford last night after another crazy weekend. After 3 more intense days of FIRST action at the UTC Regional, Gael Force returned home with another gold medal. That's right, 2 regional wins in back-to-back weekends. I've never won two regionals in one year, let alone that close together. It's pretty awesome.

Also, the trip itself was great. We had tons of fun in the hotel as usual, especially saturday night. I saw Captain John again from Clarkson, who recognized me after 4 years. I thought that was kind of cool. Also, we all were sitting around in the lobby eating leftover pizza and playing card games, when I started doing my inverse-indian-leg sitting crab walk thingy (I'll show you sometime if this doesn't make sense). From this spawned a 2 hour session of about 20 people all sitting around showing off freaky/awesome things they could do. The result was: me crab walking and head-standing, lots of pushups, hair moving from the murray's, Kali bending her hand in half, Fred break-dancing, and Mr. Bradway turning his eye-lids inside out. More stuff happened, but I can't remember it all right now. Crazy, to say the least.

Then at one point, one of the cooks came walking through the lobby and asked what we were doing here. We said that we were part of a robotics team competing at the Meadows. He was pretty impressed, and then said "Don't never become a chef". We literally all died when he said this. It was hilarious. But it was okay, because about 10 minutes later he brought out a basket full of apples and cookies.

Oh well, time for bed. Later folks.

Sunday, March 06, 2005

Diamonds are a girl's best friend....

Mine is Gold.

Congratulations to everyone on Gael Force, 121, and 350. BAE REGIONAL CHAMPS! Everyone did great and you guys are awesome. Thanks for the great weekend.

Let's hope that our momentum keeps going for this weekend in Hartford for the UTC Regional.