Long weekend
Went and helped with driver practice in the morning. The robot didn't break, always a bonus. And doing 3 tetras is looking like it will become our staple high-scoring move, which is pretty badass.
Then Gena and I went to the mall and ate an entire cow (exaggerated) at Chopsticks. It was the most amount of meat that I've eaten in a while, especially when you consider it was Good Friday. Atleast I'll have a full stomach while I'm burning in hell.
Then Stacy, her friend Kelly for FSC, and I went to the NFG/Reggie/Eisley show at the palladium. It was my first time seeing Eisley, and they sound awesome live. Reggie was incredible as ever (especially with Deewee's firetruck), but, I left after like 3 NFG songs because they're starting to piss me off.
Sat around and did homework during the morning (boring), but then later on went and had dinner with Jill and Kali and then saw Miss Congeniality 2 at Solomon. It was pretty funny.
Went and saw the families, had some good dinner, and saw a bunch of people that I haven't in a while. Then came back to the apartment to do homework, but instead, felt sick, so I went to bed at like 9pm and got nothing done. yah!
All in all, a good time. Thanks for everyone that shared it with me.