Thursday, March 17, 2005

Sleep is for suckers

Holy Crap. So last night blew. I got home from work and went to the gym, then came back, cooked supper, ate, and laid down to watch an episode of "curb your enthusiasm".

Well, that was at about 9ish. I then proceeded to pass out from exhaustion from about 10-12:30. I woke up, looked at the clock, and realized the most horrible thing.....I didn't START my homework that was due tomorrow (well, later today, at that point). So it began, homework past midnight, when I had to be up at 6:30 to get into work barely on time. I stayed up till 4:30am working on my blasted hw, and still didn't finish it! I have to finish today at lunch time while I eat.

Anywho, the messed up part starts when I got to sleep. I have this dream that I'm back in London with MikeD. I think it's because I've hit the one year mark since I was there last, and I REALLY REALLY want to go back this summer for my vacation. I've already looked into plane tickets. So, MikeD and I are over in London, working for the train department (don't ask why, non of this makes any sense), and we're moving trains. MOVING TRAINS. By hand. We're pushing them and lifting them around. But they're not regular trains, they're only like 6 feet long, or we're giganitic. One or the other. But the strange part was that people from the House of Parliments were trying to stop us, and we had to keep fighting them so that we could keep working. WTF?

Holy crap, I need sleep. That was one of the most bizarre dreams that I've had in a while.


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