Holy Back Order, Batman.
So when I ordered my Short Shifter from AWE Tuning on July 7th (read: almost two months ago) I also ordered these Performance Pedals. They're aluminum with rubber knobs to give me better grip than my current all rubber ones. My feet slip often on these (especially if it's raining out and my shoes are still wet) and I think these will help a lot. Plus, they're pretty snazzy looking and I think will offer some nice contrasting looks to the interior of the S4.
HOWEVER! While the SS came right away, I never received the pedals. I called to find out what was wrong and the guy said "a couple of weeks". Well, a couple of weeks put me at about the start of August, so, I called about a month ago and talk to another guy. He told me again "a couple of weeks". Holy crap people, just give me a realistic date, I'm a big boy, I can handle a long lead time if that's the truth, just let me know so I can plan stuff out.
Either way, I'll have them soon despite my extreme displeasure with the company at this point. And the thing is, I want to order more stuff from them in the near future, so, these things better kick ass to lighten my purchasing mood.