Monday, November 08, 2004

Something Encouraging

On Saturday I was at Shaw's in Clinton crunching my summer's worth of cans/bottles and using the money to get some Guinness from the Wine Merchant. As I was going back into my car, an older lady approached me from across the parking lot with pamphlets in her hand. She walks up to my door as I'm sitting down in the drivers seat and says "Can I offer you something encouraging to read for when you get home?". I looked at the pamphlet and it was something about letting Jesus into your life, so, I quickly and politely replied "No thanks". She smiled and walked away.

This made me think, though. Do I have the look of someone who is so engrossed in a life of sin and debauchery that I must surely welcome Jesus back into my life as the only means of saving my dirty rotten soul?
Why? I had a midtown shirt on, does that mean that I'm a stereotypical concert going punk who gets drunk and causes trouble? I sure hope not, because midtown is upbeat, and happy.
Was it because I had a brown paper bag in my hand, containing the life-blood of the irish community? Well, I only had a 4 pack, so, there really wasn't the potential to cause too much damage there.

Regardless, I'm pretty content with my life. I have a great girlfriend, a good job, and all the things I was hoping for post-undergrad is all falling into place now or soon. So, I don't need any encouragement. But thanks for asking.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


everyone needs jesus in their life....embrace jesus, become a born-again...please for the love of god.


November 8, 2004 at 7:16 PM  

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