Thursday, November 04, 2004

Irony, Not as Ferrous as you think

So I brought my car to Diamond Chevrolet (they used to sell Daewoos, so, they're nice and still fix them) yesterday because I thought my car was part of the faulty camshaft-sensor recall that Daewoo put out. This was thought because my check engine light has been on NON-STOP for about 2 months, but, the car runs fine, so, I've neglected to act on it.

The took the thing out, realized it wasn't part of the recall, so put it back in, and the light when off. Problem solved! And they didn't charge me a cent for it, so, I was pretty happy at that point.

I start driving down Park Ave. towards my apt, and realize how sad it was now. One less light on my dash to keep my company. I started to think of a funny/melancholy haiku that I could write to commemorate the occassion. About halfway through though (after about 2 miles of driving) it comes back on.

So, that's what I get for thinking it was gone and pretending to miss it. Because now it's back. Forever. Until of course I use one of those diagnostic machines and just turn the sucker off (which will actually happen pretty soon, a guy at Nypro has one).

Oh yeah, in case you've been living in a cave, Bush won again. Here's to four more years of suck. Maybe, if we're lucky, he'll do something stupid, like have some sort of crazy, satanic, wild sex with Cheney's lesbian daughter. That way, even the Moral (Bigot) Republicans will want to impeach him out of office.

Wow, this post was a lot longer and more political than I planned for. Sorry.


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