Saturday, November 20, 2004


Wow. So thursday night I literally gave myself a heart attack.

I fell asleep around 11pm watching a movie on my computer. Well, next thing I know, I'm awake and it's 12:35. I just kind of stare at it for a second as my half-asleep brain tries to process what exactly happened and what I should do about it.

12:35! How could I sleep that late. I've been late before for work, but late by 4.5 hours?!?! No way. So I jump up and start frantically getting ready for work and negotiate with myself what has to be done and what can be skipped (like, a shower is replaced by lots of deodorant, breakfast is replaced by a can of soda, etc.)

Then I look out the window to see what the weather is's pitch black outside. So, I apparently had only slept for 1.5 hours and it was still the middle of the night. Ugh.

I felt dumb. But, instead of going to work right then, I went to sleep until it was really time to go to work. That felt rewarding atleast.


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