Sunday, January 14, 2007

I firmly believe that I attract Weirdos

Currently watching: The X-files - Pilot Episode

I went to Target in Worcester last night to pick up more stuff for my condo. I bought some bowls, glasses, cooking stuff, and the sweet-ass stainless-steel paper towel holder. It was the most luxurious $27 that I've ever spent.

So I proceed to the register to get out of there before I spend any more money, because, let's face, this condo is already making me broke. The lady is giving me a weird vibe, so I'm just hoping that this will go quickly.

While scanning my stuff, she leans in closer towards me like she needs to tell me something secret, so I lean forward as to better hear her. She then yells (not whisper, as I expected) "DO YOU KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT CELL PHONES?!". I tell her that yes, I know a decent amount as I've had one for many years and I'm a tech geek.

Instead of asking me something technical, she proceeds to inform me that she had dropped it in the sink. I try to power it up, but the most that I can get from it is the screen to start up, flash Verizon, and then turn off. I take the battery off and there's a little bit of water in there, but nothing major. I tell her to let it dry for the night, try it in the morning, and go back to the store the next day as it might warrant a new phone purchase.

As I'm trying to turn it on again, she's kind enough to mention that it didn't actually drop into the sink, but instead fell in the toilet. I pause for a second and take in the incredibly awkward silence that has befallen our space. I reply "well, I guess I'll be washing my hands as soon as I get home". She goes "well, I did flush before it happened!"

Needless to say, I touched as little as I could and scrubbed my hands adequately as soon as I could.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is seriously messed up.

January 15, 2007 at 8:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh my.... this is so strange.. but the way you explained it made me laugh.. haha

January 20, 2007 at 6:06 PM  

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