Saturday, May 28, 2005


Ugh. Have I ever told you that I hate Bongos? I'm talking, like, with a passion. The instrument itself doesn't really bother me, it has more to do with them being played in the time range of 1-3am when I have to be up at 6am for work, or, if I'm just sleeping in general.

Last night my good buddy (insert sarcasm) upstairs, Mr. Brett Downing, of WPI as well, was playing his MOTHER FUCKING BONGOS again. At 3am. Why?! I'm sorry, but couldn't you have played earlier, or, wait till the morning and play then? You have a friggin three-day weekend ahead of you, with plenty of time for your hippie-slacker beatnick bongo playing. So I stand on my desk and bang on my ceiling and yell as loudly as I can (without waking my own roommates up in the process, because then that would make me just as bad as him) for about 10 min, intermittantly, before he stopped.

Well, at this point, it's 3:30, and I can't fall back asleep. So, I spend the next two hours watching seinfeld episodes and going through mail and paperwork that I needed to get caught up on anyways. I then went to clinton, went for a 30min bike ride, gave myself a hair cut, ate breakfast, and did more laundry. And still made it to work (yes, I'm working on the saturday of Memorial Day weekend) by 9:30. Ugh. Worst morning ever. Well, not ever, but in a long time.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

In response to your Star Wars comment: when was the last time you watched Star Wars?

George Lucas killed film making. In a matter of a few years, a film that was vastly underrated is now in retrospect vastly overrated!

What was Luke Skywalker? He was the original Gen-x-er. He was in love with a woman who looked at him like a brother. His dad was on him to join the family business. And he enrolled at the university of Dagobah with a major in Buddist Philosophy and a minor in Phys-ed. Which was one reason he dropped out after the first semester (he did nothing of import, balance on his head while moving a rock telekineticly and the like.)

Star Wars was a kids movie,nothing more. Kids saw it and they left the theatre wanting to be Luke, but they should've wanted to be Hans, because arrogance is an attractive male trait. Why you ask? because an 8 year old will never sell out.

People complained about Jar Jar, but how annoying would R2D2 be if you weren't 8? He was a dwarf holding a mother-fucking simon!

Thank you. You've been great.

May 28, 2005 at 6:59 PM  

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