Monday, July 09, 2007

A Milestone, I think.

Currently listening to: My Chemical Romance - Helena

So I just got done filling out a form to apply for a student loan. The student loan for my last course for my MS in Mechanical Engineering.

While I know that I'll be taking atleast, I don't know, 15 courses for my MBA someday, I'll hopefully be going to a cheaper school than WPI and could possibly afford all of the tuition just by saving alone, unlike the past three years where I've had to take out more and more loans just to handle it. So, this will hopefully be the last time that I have to do this in the next 20 years or so before I have little punks of my own that I'll need to pay for his/her/their tuition(s).

The funny part is, though, that when the credit check ran through, my initial reaction wasn't on the lines of "yah, I'm all set!", but more on the lines of "Idiots! You approved my credit for another loan!". I've acquired more debt in the past 7 months than I ever knew could be possible. I can't wait to dig my way out of this hole...

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