Friday, April 21, 2006


Currently listening to: MxPx - Lifetime Enlightenment

So the S4 has developed a sense of humor, or, well, is just in the mood to be a pain in my ass. On wednesday and yesterday, the alarm went off once per day, usually after lunch, for no apparent reason. I thought nothing off it, assuming that someone brushed up against it while getting out of their car or something. Who knows?

Well, it went off about an hour ago. I turned it off, assuming that Audrey was just trying to trick me again. However, being 3 days in a row of this, the joke was getting old. I called Wagner shortly after and scheduled an appointment for Tuesday to get it fixed before I left for Hotlanta. This would have been fine and dandy, except that within 20 minutes of calling, the alarm went off again: Twice.

I'm currently waiting to hear back from the service department if they can take me today to get this cleared up. It's getting quite annoying. I'm tempted to go out and just start pulling fuses...


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