Car Updates!
Currently listening to: Dane Cook - Someone Shit On The Coats
Today you lucky people are fortunate enough to get 3 updates, and they're all car related in some sense. Two are mechanical, one is humorous.
I told you guys the other day that I had installed a high-performance intake in the S4. This one is much better than the one I had put in the Daewoo a year and a half ago. This one came with heat shields to block some of the heat coming from the engine and has a much larger filter cone.
Here's a picture of it without the air funnel in place, and then one with the funnel in place:

Today you lucky people are fortunate enough to get 3 updates, and they're all car related in some sense. Two are mechanical, one is humorous.
I told you guys the other day that I had installed a high-performance intake in the S4. This one is much better than the one I had put in the Daewoo a year and a half ago. This one came with heat shields to block some of the heat coming from the engine and has a much larger filter cone.
Here's a picture of it without the air funnel in place, and then one with the funnel in place:

nice install, i'm telling you as soon as my car rolls off of its warranty it's getting some love.
some time this summer you, me, ian, and whoever else who likes to drive should go tear up some twisty roads in NH or VT.
I'm game.
Yeah, me too. That's why I'm doing little things like the intake and gauges now, so that when the 2 year point comes, I can just go nuts.
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