Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Car related Humor

Currently listening to: Dane Cook - At the Wall

Like I said earlier, one of the updates today was humor related. The actual event where it took place was anything but humor filled, but this one little diddy brightened my day.

To spare you the details of the story, because frankly I don't feel like telling the whole story and you really don't need to know it, but, let's just say that my uncle is currently removed from society and won't be coming back for a while (again). My grandmother, his mother whom he still lives with (yeah, seriously), asked me to clean out his car so that if/when it gets repo'd, he won't lose those obviously extremely valuable items.

So I'm cleaning out the shit from his car. Lots of crap. Tools, trash, coats, etc. Upon inspection of the glovebox, I find 4 Trojans. On their wrappers are printed the expiration dates: March 99.

MARCH OF 1999. It's 2006. His car is a 2002. They were already 3 years gone upon purchase of the automobile.

Apparently, he didn't get out much.


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