Monday, December 12, 2005

Insanely busy

Currently listening to: Nothing (headache [this is becoming an unhealthy trend, eh?])

So lately I've been going nuts. Between all the school work that's been getting dumped on us, the hot jobs that have been springing up at work that need immediate and constant attention (to only find out afterwards that they weren't as hot as claimed...), I've been going insane.

However, this weekend rounded it out.
I went and took pics for Dakota at their show on friday night. Considering the snow storm that ended just a matter of hours before doors, there was still a decent crowd. I saw a bunch of people I hadn't in a while, so, it was refreshing.
Saturday night was the Stephen Lynch show. He was fantastic. Hilarious as always.
And last night we went down to URI for the Dane Cook show. About 80% of his stuff was all new, and I just saw him about 3 months ago, so, that's pretty good timewise to write/practice all that new material. I was pretty pumped. And even the old stuff, he found a way to jazz it up and make it slightly different.

Ugh, and then I stayed up till 3:30am last night finishing my homework. But, I went to bed knowing that everything for this course was done, sans presentation, which is about to begin in 1 hour and 18 minutes or so. Thankfully, I'm blasting off in a few to go eat, then look over my slides a few more times, and go get it over with. I'm pretty confident in my grades for this semester though, so, I think it'll all finish out pretty well.

I'm off for now. Wish me luck.


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