Sunday, December 12, 2004

The weekend update (without Tina & Amy)

This weekend was pretty good. Didn't really do anything spectacular, but many average things with good people.

Sarah and I rented 2 movies (a rarity), cook food, and relaxed. I rearranged some stuff in my room, printed/framed the pic of Marc Orell flying at me from last weekend, and went to see Drew's band, Proteus, for the first time at wpi. The pics are up on the site now.

However, there was a disturbance in my Force this weekend. On SNL, Colin Farrel, in one of his pics that they show in between comercials, was seen holding a can of Guinness in a drinking position. FROM A CAN! This atrocity against the black stuff cannot be allowed to continue. Get that man a pint glass!

Um, that's all I got. Goodnight


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