Tuesday, June 13, 2006

The Waitress and her Phone Number

Currently listening to: Dakota - Perhaps on the Highway

On Saturday I went up to ref Mayhem in Merrimack, a summer off-season FIRST competition in Merrimack, NH. BJ and Erika came with me to volunteer for field reset.

After the competition, a group of us jumped in our cars and headed to AppleBee's for some eats. At my table it's me, Greg, BJ, Ryan, and Erika. When the waitress comes up and asks us for our orders, I initiate some small talk just because I'm friendly. BJ accuses me of sucking up. Sucking up for what, I don't know, but either way, Greg and I called BS on him and explained the concept of "talking nicely to attractive girls", because, someday, he'd hopefully stop being a goober and want to talk to them himself. Upon this, Greg issued a challenge to young BJ (16 years old, btw): get her number by the end of the meal.

Initially he wasn't going to do it, but Erika dropped the Triple Dog Dare, so, he had to. Greg and I begin figuring out how he should approach this. The obvious, most easy way was to simply write his on the back of his check and then inform her that it's there, and hope that she'll call or exchange #'s there on the spot. Greg decides that it would be more cocky (and hilarious) if he instead inquired as to why here # wasn't already there, assuming that she should want to volunteer her # to this kid on principle alone.

30 minutes go by. We finally get our checks after we're done eating. Greg first, me second, and so on until BJ got his last. Greg is nearly crying and I'm holding my hand over my mouth trying to prevent the laughter. Finally she comes to BJ.

Now, BJ did this like a champ. He took the check, paused briefly, looked up at her all calm and collect, and goes "What, no number?"
There was this awkward pause in the air at the table, she began to turn pink, and blurts out "WHAT, MY NUMBER!? HAHAHA!"
She then walks away while we all begin laughing hysterically. It was pretty amazing to see this all go down.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This was probably the highlight of summer so far for me.

Maybe I should head down to Clinton some time, and we'll get BJ to do it again at some Applebee's down there.

June 27, 2006 at 9:04 PM  

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