Why didn't I think of this sooner?
Currently listening to: Coheed & Cambria - Time Consumer
Attention tough guys! Are you too manly to show affection to your lady friend out in public for fear of ridicule and laughing by your friends? Don't like saying "I love you" out in a crowd because the other dudes will think you're a pussy?
Well, I have the thing for you:
If you're not up to speed on your American Sign Language vocabulary, please see the picture below, and note that this is the sign for "I love you":

Just think; you're out in a crowd and your lady is leaving and requires the dangerous three words to be emitted from your cakehole in public. While signing the phrase to her and thus making her happy, most other people will just think that you're tossing her the bull horns. How badass is that?
Attention tough guys! Are you too manly to show affection to your lady friend out in public for fear of ridicule and laughing by your friends? Don't like saying "I love you" out in a crowd because the other dudes will think you're a pussy?
Well, I have the thing for you:
If you're not up to speed on your American Sign Language vocabulary, please see the picture below, and note that this is the sign for "I love you":

Just think; you're out in a crowd and your lady is leaving and requires the dangerous three words to be emitted from your cakehole in public. While signing the phrase to her and thus making her happy, most other people will just think that you're tossing her the bull horns. How badass is that?
that's good.
that's very good.
Let's find us some deft girls.
The devil horns require your thumb to be on your two middle fingers. I have a shirt that shows you how to do that properly.
The Heävy Metäl horn-ed gesture is used for lots of signs in ASL, not just "I love you," which could be a source of confusion for your Deaf girlfriend. For instance, the verb "to fly in an airplane" is done by throwing the horns upward in an arcing motion in front of you.
Don't forget my fav...
If you place the horns on top of one elbow while placing the other hand in a fist under the other elbow then spread out all five fingers that means Bull shit. Its funny cause thats what it looks like....I've heard.
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