Thursday, March 30, 2006

Awesome night

Currently listening to: Blink 182 - The Party Song

So last night Gerson and I went to the mall and hung out for a bit. He's back from Stanford and I hadn't seen him in a wicked long time, so, it was cool.
We went to Friday's for supper and we had a pretty cute waitress. I started talking it up being the charming sob that I am. She called me darling. Then she mentioned that she was pregnant. ugh. I pulled the charm e-brake and went back to my cheesy bacon cheeseburger. Not a total loss, the burger was pretty good.

We then went to Borders and I picked up two books that I've wanted to buy for a long time now: I Hope They Serve Beer In Hell, by Tucker Max and Real Ultimate Power: The Official Ninja Book, by Robert Hamburger. I started reading Beer In Hell last night. It's incredible the stuff that this guy has done to girls and has no remorse. It's completely unlike me, but I still laughed my ass off with every page read.

We then went and saw "The Inside Man". It was awesome. The movie keeps you guessing and I really liked the twist at the end. I recommend it.

I then started my Gaelic tapes this morning on the ride to Clinton. I'm not going to lie, this is going to be hard. Romance languages were easy to learn because alot of the words were similar in spelling/sound to English. Gaelic on the other hand is not. It was like when I tried to learn Icelandic. Nordic languages are ridiculous. But, I really want to do this, so, wish me luck!

And then I have the Bday tomorrow. The big 24. What does being 24 get you that 23 didn't?
I'm holding out for next year when I can rent a car. Atleast that's something...


Blogger jpabad said...

Did she just drop that in the conversation?

"Here's your cheesy bacon burger, by the way, i'm pregnant."

Because that would be something.

Also, Inside Man?
I'd clone a thumb so i could give it three thumbs up.

March 30, 2006 at 6:11 AM  
Blogger Tim Baird said...

We were talking about where we went to school, and she was like "well, I just got back from college in Georgia and now I'm working here, taking care of one baby and I'm pregnant again". So, it wasn't entirely random, but it was a little more info than I really needed.

Or she just uses it when guys try to hit on her. In which case, mission accomplished.

March 30, 2006 at 10:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I too enjoyed Inside Man. Not really my type of movie, but it suprised me. Have a great day tomorrow on the big 2-4!

March 30, 2006 at 3:50 PM  
Blogger Tim Baird said...

Hey Juls!
Long time no see.

Yeah, I liked it. I enjoy movies that mess with your head and make you think something else will happen, and then trick you in the end.

Hopefully I'll see you soon this summer!

March 31, 2006 at 6:56 AM  

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